# domino 2.1.3 (6 Mar 2019) * Bug fix for CSS `$=` selector and for matches on root `` element. * Renamed CSS `:matches` to `:is` ( https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3258 ) * Bug fix for CSS matches with escape characters in tag name. # domino 2.1.2 (14 Feb 2019) * Allow writable Element constructors unless __domino_frozen__ is set to true (#138) * Bug fix for CSS `$=` selector. (#135) * Move `Node#_serializeOne()` to `NodeUtils.serializeOne()` to reduce pressure on the megamorphic stub cache in V8, and thereby improve throughput (#142). * Implemented `HTMLOptionElement#text` and `HTMLOptionElement#value` (#136) # domino 2.1.1 (30 Nov 2018) * Add `domino.createIncrementalHTMLParser` interface. # domino 2.1.0 (13 Aug 2018) * Fix `ContainerNode#removeChildren()` when there is more than one child (#129) * Implement `Document#scrollingElement` (#107) * Implement setter for `Element#outerHTML` (#102) * Handle null/undefined in setter for `Node#textContent` * Handle null/undefined/negative values in `CharacterData` interface methods * Spec-correctness fixes for `DOMTokenList`, including handling of duplicate keys. * Fix `[src=...]` selectors in `Document#querySelector()` and similar * Spec-correctness fixes for `Document#createElement()` and `Document#createElementNS()`, including proper exception type and type coercion. * Implement `Attr#cloneNode()`, `Element#getAttributeNode()`, `Element#getAttributeNodeNS()`, `Element#setAttributeNode()`, `Element#setAttributeNodeNS()`, and `Element#removeAttributeNode()` (DOM3 compatibility) * Implement `Document#createAttribute()` and `Document#createAttributeNS()` * Implement `Element#hasAttributes()`, `Element#toggleAttribute()`, and `Element#getAttributeNames()` * Implement `Text#wholeText` * Implement `Document#cloneNode()` and `DocumentType#cloneNode()` * Spec-correctness fixes for `Node#lookupPrefix()`, `Node#lookupNamespaceURI()`, and `Node#isDefaultNamespace`, including proper type coercion and reconciling DOM 3 and DOM 4 specifications. * Ensure `Document#title` continues to use correct whitespace stripping for node > 4, and properly set `