# @see http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-xmlhttprequest class XMLHttpRequestUpload extends XMLHttpRequestEventTarget # @private # @param {XMLHttpRequest} the XMLHttpRequest that this upload object is # associated with constructor: (request) -> super() @_request = request @_reset() # Sets up this Upload to handle a new request. # # @private # @return {undefined} undefined _reset: -> @_contentType = null @_body = null undefined # Implements the upload-related part of the send() XHR specification. # # @private # @param {?String, ?Buffer, ?ArrayBufferView} data the argument passed to # XMLHttpRequest#send() # @return {undefined} undefined # @see step 4 of http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/#the-send()-method _setData: (data) -> if typeof data is 'undefined' or data is null return if typeof data is 'string' # DOMString if data.length isnt 0 @_contentType = 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' @_body = new Buffer data, 'utf8' else if Buffer.isBuffer data # node.js Buffer @_body = data else if data instanceof ArrayBuffer # ArrayBuffer arguments were supported in an old revision of the spec. body = new Buffer data.byteLength view = new Uint8Array data body[i] = view[i] for i in [0...data.byteLength] @_body = body else if data.buffer and data.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer # ArrayBufferView body = new Buffer data.byteLength offset = data.byteOffset view = new Uint8Array data.buffer body[i] = view[i + offset] for i in [0...data.byteLength] @_body = body else # NOTE: diverging from the XHR specification of coercing everything else # to Strings via toString() because that behavior masks bugs and is # rarely useful throw new Error "Unsupported send() data #{data}" undefined # Updates the HTTP headers right before the request is sent. # # This is used to set data-dependent headers such as Content-Length and # Content-Type. # # @private # @param {Object} headers the HTTP headers to be sent # @param {Object} loweredHeaders maps lowercased HTTP header # names (e.g., 'content-type') to the actual names used in the headers # parameter (e.g., 'Content-Type') # @return {undefined} undefined _finalizeHeaders: (headers, loweredHeaders) -> if @_contentType unless 'content-type' of loweredHeaders headers['Content-Type'] = @_contentType if @_body # Restricted headers can't be set by the user, no need to check # loweredHeaders. headers['Content-Length'] = @_body.length.toString() undefined # Starts sending the HTTP request data. # # @private # @param {http.ClientRequest} request the HTTP request # @return {undefined} undefined _startUpload: (request) -> request.write @_body if @_body request.end() undefined # Export the XMLHttpRequestUpload constructor. XMLHttpRequest.XMLHttpRequestUpload = XMLHttpRequestUpload