from __future__ import absolute_import from os.path import join import as scinfo from bokeh.command.bootstrap import main def test_create(): import argparse from bokeh.command.subcommand import Subcommand obj = scinfo.Info(parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()) assert isinstance(obj, Subcommand) def test_name(): assert == "info" def test_help(): assert == "print information about Bokeh and Bokeh server configuration" def test_args(): assert scinfo.Info.args == ( ('--static', dict( action='store_true', help="Print the locations of BokehJS static files", )), ) def test_run(capsys): main(["bokeh", "info"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() lines = out.split("\n") assert len(lines) == 7 assert lines[0].startswith("Python version") assert lines[1].startswith("IPython version") assert lines[2].startswith("Bokeh version") assert lines[3].startswith("BokehJS static") assert lines[4].startswith("node.js version") assert lines[5].startswith("npm version") assert lines[6] == "" assert err == "" def test_run_static(capsys): main(["bokeh", "info", "--static"]) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert err == "" assert out.endswith(join('bokeh', 'server', 'static') + '\n')