from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from six import string_types from ..core.enums import HorizontalLocation, VerticalLocation from import Auto, Either, Enum, Int, Seq, Instance, String from ..models import GMapPlot, LinearAxis, MercatorTicker, MercatorTickFormatter, Range1d, Title, Tool from ..models import glyphs, markers from import Drag, Inspection, Scroll, Tap from ..util.options import Options from .helpers import _process_tools_arg, _process_active_tools, _glyph_function DEFAULT_TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,help" class GMapFigureOptions(Options): tools = Either(String, Seq(Either(String, Instance(Tool))), default=DEFAULT_TOOLS, help=""" Tools the plot should start with. """) x_minor_ticks = Either(Auto, Int, default="auto", help=""" Number of minor ticks between adjacent x-axis major ticks. """) y_minor_ticks = Either(Auto, Int, default="auto", help=""" Number of minor ticks between adjacent y-axis major ticks. """) x_axis_location = Enum(VerticalLocation, default="below", help=""" Where the x-axis should be located. """) y_axis_location = Enum(HorizontalLocation, default="left", help=""" Where the y-axis should be located. """) x_axis_label = String(default="", help=""" A label for the x-axis. """) y_axis_label = String(default="", help=""" A label for the y-axis. """) active_drag = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Drag), default="auto", help=""" Which drag tool should initially be active. """) active_inspect = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Inspection), Seq(Instance(Inspection)), default="auto", help=""" Which drag tool should initially be active. """) active_scroll = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Scroll), default="auto", help=""" Which scroll tool should initially be active. """) active_tap = Either(Auto, String, Instance(Tap), default="auto", help=""" Which tap tool should initially be active. """) class GMap(GMapPlot): ''' A subclass of :class:`~bokeh.models.plots.Plot` that simplifies plot creation with default axes, grids, tools, etc. Args: google_api_key (str): Google requires an API key be supplied for maps to function. See: map_options: (GMapOptions) Configuration specific to a Google Map In addition to all the Bokeh model property attributes documented below, the ``Figure`` initializer also accepts the following options, which can help simplify configuration: .. bokeh-options:: GMapFigureOptions :module: bokeh.plotting.figure ''' __subtype__ = "GMap" __view_model__ = "GMapPlot" def __init__(self, **kw): if 'plot_width' in kw and 'width' in kw: raise ValueError("Figure called with both 'plot_width' and 'width' supplied, supply only one") if 'plot_height' in kw and 'height' in kw: raise ValueError("Figure called with both 'plot_height' and 'height' supplied, supply only one") if 'height' in kw: kw['plot_height'] = kw.pop('height') if 'width' in kw: kw['plot_width'] = kw.pop('width') opts = GMapFigureOptions(kw) title = kw.get("title", None) if isinstance(title, string_types): kw['title'] = Title(text=title) super(GMap, self).__init__(x_range=Range1d(), y_range=Range1d(), **kw) xf = MercatorTickFormatter(dimension="lon") xt = MercatorTicker(dimension="lon") self.add_layout(LinearAxis(formatter=xf, ticker=xt), 'below') yf = MercatorTickFormatter(dimension="lat") yt = MercatorTicker(dimension="lat") self.add_layout(LinearAxis(formatter=yf, ticker=yt), 'left') tool_objs, tool_map = _process_tools_arg(self, self.add_tools(*tool_objs) _process_active_tools(self.toolbar, tool_map, opts.active_drag, opts.active_inspect, opts.active_scroll, opts.active_tap) annular_wedge = _glyph_function(glyphs.AnnularWedge) annulus = _glyph_function(glyphs.Annulus) arc = _glyph_function(glyphs.Arc) asterisk = _glyph_function(markers.Asterisk) bezier = _glyph_function(glyphs.Bezier) circle = _glyph_function(markers.Circle) circle_cross = _glyph_function(markers.CircleCross) circle_x = _glyph_function(markers.CircleX) cross = _glyph_function(markers.Cross) diamond = _glyph_function(markers.Diamond) diamond_cross = _glyph_function(markers.DiamondCross) hbar = _glyph_function(glyphs.HBar) ellipse = _glyph_function(glyphs.Ellipse) image = _glyph_function(glyphs.Image) image_rgba = _glyph_function(glyphs.ImageRGBA) image_url = _glyph_function(glyphs.ImageURL) inverted_triangle = _glyph_function(markers.InvertedTriangle) line = _glyph_function(glyphs.Line) multi_line = _glyph_function(glyphs.MultiLine) oval = _glyph_function(glyphs.Oval) patch = _glyph_function(glyphs.Patch) patches = _glyph_function(glyphs.Patches) quad = _glyph_function(glyphs.Quad) quadratic = _glyph_function(glyphs.Quadratic) ray = _glyph_function(glyphs.Ray) rect = _glyph_function(glyphs.Rect) segment = _glyph_function(glyphs.Segment) square = _glyph_function(markers.Square) square_cross = _glyph_function(markers.SquareCross) square_x = _glyph_function(markers.SquareX) text = _glyph_function(glyphs.Text) triangle = _glyph_function(markers.Triangle) vbar = _glyph_function(glyphs.VBar) wedge = _glyph_function(glyphs.Wedge) x = _glyph_function(markers.X) def gmap(google_api_key, map_options, **kwargs): ''' Create a new :class:`~bokeh.plotting.gmap.GMap` for plotting. Args: google_api_key (str): Google requires an API key be supplied for maps to function. See: map_options: (GMapOptions) Configuration specific to a Google Map In addition to the standard :class:`~bokeh.plotting.gmap.GMap` keyword arguments (e.g. ``plot_width`` or ``sizing_mode``), the following additional options can be passed as well: .. bokeh-options:: GMapFigureOptions :module: bokeh.plotting.gmap Returns: GMap ''' return GMap(api_key=google_api_key, map_options=map_options, **kwargs)