""" Test the decorators from ``testing.decorators``. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import warnings from numpy.testing import (dec, assert_, assert_raises, run_module_suite, SkipTest, KnownFailureException) def test_slow(): @dec.slow def slow_func(x, y, z): pass assert_(slow_func.slow) def test_setastest(): @dec.setastest() def f_default(a): pass @dec.setastest(True) def f_istest(a): pass @dec.setastest(False) def f_isnottest(a): pass assert_(f_default.__test__) assert_(f_istest.__test__) assert_(not f_isnottest.__test__) class DidntSkipException(Exception): pass def test_skip_functions_hardcoded(): @dec.skipif(True) def f1(x): raise DidntSkipException try: f1('a') except DidntSkipException: raise Exception('Failed to skip') except SkipTest: pass @dec.skipif(False) def f2(x): raise DidntSkipException try: f2('a') except DidntSkipException: pass except SkipTest: raise Exception('Skipped when not expected to') def test_skip_functions_callable(): def skip_tester(): return skip_flag == 'skip me!' @dec.skipif(skip_tester) def f1(x): raise DidntSkipException try: skip_flag = 'skip me!' f1('a') except DidntSkipException: raise Exception('Failed to skip') except SkipTest: pass @dec.skipif(skip_tester) def f2(x): raise DidntSkipException try: skip_flag = 'five is right out!' f2('a') except DidntSkipException: pass except SkipTest: raise Exception('Skipped when not expected to') def test_skip_generators_hardcoded(): @dec.knownfailureif(True, "This test is known to fail") def g1(x): for i in range(x): yield i try: for j in g1(10): pass except KnownFailureException: pass else: raise Exception('Failed to mark as known failure') @dec.knownfailureif(False, "This test is NOT known to fail") def g2(x): for i in range(x): yield i raise DidntSkipException('FAIL') try: for j in g2(10): pass except KnownFailureException: raise Exception('Marked incorrectly as known failure') except DidntSkipException: pass def test_skip_generators_callable(): def skip_tester(): return skip_flag == 'skip me!' @dec.knownfailureif(skip_tester, "This test is known to fail") def g1(x): for i in range(x): yield i try: skip_flag = 'skip me!' for j in g1(10): pass except KnownFailureException: pass else: raise Exception('Failed to mark as known failure') @dec.knownfailureif(skip_tester, "This test is NOT known to fail") def g2(x): for i in range(x): yield i raise DidntSkipException('FAIL') try: skip_flag = 'do not skip' for j in g2(10): pass except KnownFailureException: raise Exception('Marked incorrectly as known failure') except DidntSkipException: pass def test_deprecated(): @dec.deprecated(True) def non_deprecated_func(): pass @dec.deprecated() def deprecated_func(): import warnings warnings.warn("TEST: deprecated func", DeprecationWarning) @dec.deprecated() def deprecated_func2(): import warnings warnings.warn("AHHHH") raise ValueError @dec.deprecated() def deprecated_func3(): import warnings warnings.warn("AHHHH") # marked as deprecated, but does not raise DeprecationWarning assert_raises(AssertionError, non_deprecated_func) # should be silent deprecated_func() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.simplefilter("always") # do not propagate unrelated warnings # fails if deprecated decorator just disables test. See #1453. assert_raises(ValueError, deprecated_func2) # warning is not a DeprecationWarning assert_raises(AssertionError, deprecated_func3) @dec.parametrize('base, power, expected', [(1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2), (2, 2, 4)]) def test_parametrize(base, power, expected): assert_(base**power == expected) if __name__ == '__main__': run_module_suite()