""" Detect incompatible version of OpenPyXL GH7169 """ from distutils.version import LooseVersion start_ver = '1.6.1' stop_ver = '2.0.0' def is_compat(major_ver=1): """Detect whether the installed version of openpyxl is supported Parameters ---------- ver : int 1 requests compatibility status among the 1.x.y series 2 requests compatibility status of 2.0.0 and later Returns ------- compat : bool ``True`` if openpyxl is installed and is a compatible version. ``False`` otherwise. """ import openpyxl ver = LooseVersion(openpyxl.__version__) if major_ver == 1: return LooseVersion(start_ver) <= ver < LooseVersion(stop_ver) elif major_ver == 2: return LooseVersion(stop_ver) <= ver else: raise ValueError('cannot test for openpyxl compatibility with ver {0}' .format(major_ver))