''' The validation module provides the capability to perform integrity checks on an entire collection of Bokeh models. To create a Bokeh visualization, the central task is to assemble a collection model objects from |bokeh.models| into a graph that represents the scene that should be created in the client. It is possible to to this "by hand", using the model objects directly. However, to make this process easier, Bokeh provides higher level interfaces such as |bokeh.plotting| for users. These interfaces automate common "assembly" steps, to ensure a Bokeh object graph is created in a consistent, predictable way. However, regardless of what interface is used, it is possible to put Bokeh models together in ways that are incomplete, or that do not make sense in some way. To assist with diagnosing potential problems, Bokeh performs a validation step when outputting a visualization for display. This module contains error and warning codes as well as helper functions for defining validation checks. ''' from __future__ import absolute_import from .check import check_integrity from .decorators import error, warning