''' These define the standard warning codes and messages for Bokeh validation checks. 1000 *(MISSING_RENDERERS)* A |Plot| object has no renderers configured (will result in a blank plot). 1002 *(EMPTY_LAYOUT)* A layout model has no children (will result in a blank layout). 1004 *(BOTH_CHILD_AND_ROOT)* Each component can be rendered in only one place, can't be both a root and in a layout. 9999 *(EXT)* Indicates that a custom warning check has failed. ''' codes = { 1000: ("MISSING_RENDERERS", "Plot has no renderers"), 1002: ("EMPTY_LAYOUT", "Layout has no children"), 1004: ("BOTH_CHILD_AND_ROOT", "Models should not be a document root if they are in a layout box"), 9999: ("EXT", "Custom extension reports warning"), } for code in codes: exec("%s = %d" % (codes[code][0], code))