''' ''' from __future__ import absolute_import from ..core.properties import Any, Bool, Dict, Float, Int, Override, String from ..model import Model class TileSource(Model): ''' A base class for all tile source types. In general, tile sources are used as a required input for ``TileRenderer``. ''' _args = ('url', 'tile_size', 'min_zoom', 'max_zoom', 'extra_url_vars') url = String("", help=""" Tile service url e.g., http://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png """) tile_size = Int(default=256, help=""" Tile size in pixels (e.g. 256) """) min_zoom = Int(default=0, help=""" A minimum zoom level for the tile layer. This is the most zoomed-out level. """) max_zoom = Int(default=30, help=""" A maximum zoom level for the tile layer. This is the most zoomed-in level. """) extra_url_vars = Dict(String, Any, help=""" A dictionary that maps url variable template keys to values. These variables are useful for parts of tile urls which do not change from tile to tile (e.g. server host name, or layer name). """) attribution = String("", help=""" Data provider attribution content. This can include HTML content. """) x_origin_offset = Float(help=""" An x-offset in plot coordinates """) y_origin_offset = Float(help=""" A y-offset in plot coordinates """) initial_resolution = Float(help=""" Resolution (plot_units / pixels) of minimum zoom level of tileset projection. None to auto-compute. """) class MercatorTileSource(TileSource): ''' A base class for Mercator tile services (e.g.``WMTSTileSource``). ''' _args = ('url', 'tile_size', 'min_zoom', 'max_zoom', 'x_origin_offset', 'y_origin_offset', 'extra_url_vars', 'initial_resolution') x_origin_offset = Override(default=20037508.34) y_origin_offset = Override(default=20037508.34) initial_resolution = Override(default=156543.03392804097) snap_to_zoom = Bool(default=False, help=""" Forces initial extents to snap to the closest larger zoom level.""") wrap_around = Bool(default=True, help=""" Enables continuous horizontal panning by wrapping the x-axis based on bounds of map. ..note:: Axis coordinates are not wrapped. To toggle axis label visibility, use ``plot.axis.visible = False``. """) class TMSTileSource(MercatorTileSource): ''' The TMSTileSource contains tile config info and provides urls for tiles based on a templated url e.g. ``http://your.tms.server.host/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png``. The defining feature of TMS is the tile-origin in located at the bottom-left. The TMSTileSource can also be helpful in implementing tile renderers for custom tile sets, including non-spatial datasets. ''' pass class WMTSTileSource(MercatorTileSource): ''' The ``WMTSTileSource`` behaves much like ``TMSTileSource`` but has its tile-origin in the top-left. This is the most common used tile source for web mapping applications. Such companies as Google, MapQuest, Stamen, Esri, and OpenStreetMap provide service which use the WMTS specification e.g. ``http://c.tile.openstreetmap.org/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png``. ''' pass class QUADKEYTileSource(MercatorTileSource): ''' The QUADKEYTileSource has the same tile origin as the WMTSTileSource but requests tiles using a `quadkey` argument instead of X, Y, Z e.g. ``http://your.quadkey.tile.host/{Q}.png`` ''' pass class BBoxTileSource(MercatorTileSource): ''' The BBoxTileSource has the same default tile origin as the WMTSTileSource but requested tiles use a ``{XMIN}``, ``{YMIN}``, ``{XMAX}``, ``{YMAX}`` e.g. ``http://your.custom.tile.service?bbox={XMIN},{YMIN},{XMAX},{YMAX}``. ''' use_latlon = Bool(default=False, help=""" Flag which indicates option to output {XMIN},{YMIN},{XMAX},{YMAX} in meters or latitude and longitude. """)