''' These define the standard error codes and messages for Bokeh
validation checks.

    A glyph has a property set to a field name that does not correspond to any
    column in the |GlyphRenderer|'s data source.

    A |GlyphRenderer| has no glyph configured.

    A |GlyphRenderer| has no data source configured.

    A |Plot| is missing one or more required default ranges (will result in
    blank plot).

    Google Maps API now requires an API key for all use. See
    for more information on how to obtain your own, to use for the
    ``api_key`` property of your Google Map plot .

    All data_sources on ``LegendItem.renderers`` must match when LegendItem.label
    is type field.

    ``MercatorTicker`` and ``MercatorTickFormatter``models must have their
    ``dimension`` property set to ``'lat'`` or ``'lon'``.

    A |Scale| on is missing one or more required default scales (will result in
    blank plot).

    A |Scale| type is incompatible with one or more ranges on the same plot
    dimension (will result in blank plot).

    A |GlyphRenderer| has a CDSView whose source doesn't match the GlyphRenderer's
    data source.

    The ``GraphSource`` is incorrectly configured.

    Map plots can only support ``Range1d`` types, not data ranges.

    The PointDrawTool renderers may only reference XYGlyph models.

    The BoxEditTool renderers may only reference Rect glyph models.

    The PolyDrawTool renderers may only reference MultiLine and Patches glyph models.

    The PolyEditTool renderers may only reference MultiLine and Patches glyph models.

    The PolyEditTool vertex_renderer may only reference XYGlyph models.

    The RangeTool must have at least one of x_range or y_range configured

9999 *(EXT)*
    Indicates that a custom error check has failed.


codes = {
    1001: ("BAD_COLUMN_NAME",        "Glyph refers to nonexistent column name"),
    1002: ("MISSING_GLYPH",          "Glyph renderer has no glyph set"),
    1003: ("NO_SOURCE_FOR_GLYPH",    "Glyph renderer has no data source"),
    1004: ("REQUIRED_RANGE",         "A required Range object is missing"),
    1005: ("MISSING_GOOGLE_API_KEY", "Google now requires API keys for all Google Maps usage"),
    1006: ("NON_MATCHING_DATA_SOURCES_ON_LEGEND_ITEM_RENDERERS", "LegendItem.label is a field, but renderer data sources don't match"),
    1007: ("MISSING_MERCATOR_DIMENSION", "Mercator Tickers and Formatters must have their dimension property set to 'lat' or 'lon'"),
    1008: ("REQUIRED_SCALE",         "A required Scale object is missing"),
    1009: ("INCOMPATIBLE_SCALE_AND_RANGE", "A Scale is incompatible with one or more ranges on the same plot dimension"),
    1010: ("CDSVIEW_SOURCE_DOESNT_MATCH", "CDSView used by Glyph renderer must have a source that matches the Glyph renderer's data source"),
    1011: ("MALFORMED_GRAPH_SOURCE", "The GraphSource is incorrectly configured"),
    1012: ("INCOMPATIBLE_MAP_RANGE_TYPE", "Map plots can only support Range1d types, not data ranges"),
    1013: ("INCOMPATIBLE_POINT_DRAW_RENDERER", "PointDrawTool renderers may only reference XYGlyph models."),
    1014: ("INCOMPATIBLE_BOX_EDIT_RENDERER", "BoxEditTool renderers may only reference Rect glyph models"),
    1015: ("INCOMPATIBLE_POLY_DRAW_RENDERER", "PolyDrawTool renderers may only reference MultiLine and Patches glyph models."),
    1016: ("INCOMPATIBLE_POLY_EDIT_RENDERER", "PolyEditTool renderers may only reference MultiLine and Patches glyph models"),
    1017: ("INCOMPATIBLE_POLY_EDIT_VERTEX_RENDERER", "PolyEditTool vertex_renderer may only reference XYGlyph models"),
    1018: ("NO_RANGE_TOOL_RANGES", "RangeTool must have at least one of x_range or y_range configured"),
    9999: ("EXT",                    "Custom extension reports error"),

for code in codes:
    exec("%s = %d" % (codes[code][0], code))